Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Please tell me you got the 'Boy Meets World' reference in the title of this post! If not, we can't be friends. Just kidding! Seriously, though, you need to set it up to record on your DVR and embrace the loveliness of one of my favorite 90s TV shows ASAP!

Today was a grocery shopping day for me & Vivie, who is the precious pookie pants 16-month-old I nanny. Her mamas gave me a list, and while writing said list, we got on the topic of making our own hummus. See, Vivie eats the stuff like there's no tomorrow, especially when slathered on a tortilla and rolled up with ham and spinach! I looked up a recipe on Google, and we decided I should make some while Viv was down for a nap. Sounded good to me!

While at the local Kroger, I searched for tahini paste to no avail. I asked a worker, who turned out to be the friendliest, most jovial older gent, if they carried any and he walked me right to it. I had walked past it oh, probably 4 or 5 times. Oops! I thanked him for his help, and Vivie said "Bye!" very loudly and sweetly, then blew him a kiss. Melted my heart, y'all, and I bet it made his day!

Once Vivie was asleep, I got everything together to make this basic hummus recipe, along with my boss's food processor.

1 can garbanzo beans, with 1/4 cup of the liquid

1 & 1/2 tablespoons tahini paste

3 cloves of garlic, crushed (I used the minced stuff from a jar. Like I said, it's convenient! Don't judge!)

3-5 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

You basically put everything together in a food processor, then let it run on high for 2-3 minutes and voila! Homemade hummus!

This batch was a bit on the bland side, which I guess is alright since it was mainly for the baby. When I make my own, I'll be adding a bit more garlic, as well as some roasted red peppers!

The recipe says this will keep in the refrigerator for 3 days in an airtight container, but that the hummus can also be frozen and served later? Hmm.. Not sure how I feel about that. Have any of you ever tried freezing hummus, then eating it later? What was your method for defrosting? Did the texture or taste change at all?

Below are photos of the ingredients I used, as well as a photo of the finished product. As I don't know how to add photos within a post in specific spots via the Blogger app for iPhone, they'll all be together with no captions, but you're a smarty- you'll figure out what's what! If any of you bloggy-fabulous people have tips for me in this area, please share in a comment!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Satisfyingly Simple

Hey y'all! Welcome to Woo Pig Foodie!

This blog is going to be a place for me to post my food journey, share recipes, ask for tips, and just have a little blogging fun. I hope you enjoy!

On the Menu

Mushroom & Garlic Saute
Simple Pasta Salad
Butter Lettuce with Raspberry Vinaigrette 

Let's begin with the simple pasta salad, which is the easiest thing in the world to make! I honestly don't know that the following can justifiably be called a 'recipe,' but this is my blog & I do what I want. :)

You start with whatever pasta you have in your pantry. Since I'm in-between houses (did I mention I'm currently moving?) the local Food Giant substituted for my pantry. I picked up a bag of Wacky Mac, which has veggies hidden in the pasta. I can't tell a difference taste-wise, it looks pretty, and apparently it's a good, healthy choice! 

Cook the pasta according to the package directions, making sure to add a bit of salt and olive oil to the water. I was cooking for myself and 2 boys who were busy doing yard work at the time, so I went ahead and cooked the whole package. We each had a good serving, and there's plenty left over for lunches!

Once the pasta is cooked, dump it into a colander and run under cold water. Stir it around and let the pasta cool down, then completely drain and place in a bowl.

Now... I don't know that you all can handle the next step... It may be too hard for most...


Open up a bottle of Kraft Creamy Italian Dressing and pour about 1/2 of the bottle over the pasta. (More or less, depending on how much pasta you've cooked.) Season with a bit of salt and pepper, then cover and throw it in the refrigerator. 

The longer it sits, the better it gets, y'all! I made this about an hour & 1/2 before we ate dinner and it was good, but it will be even tastier for lunch tomorrow! As with most pasta salads, when you get ready to serve it, you will probably want to add more of the dressing to get it to whatever 'wetness' you prefer. 

Using the word 'wetness' made me feel dirty. Moving on...

This is the simplest version of this pasta salad, and I dig it. However, I also have a fancier version which includes diced pepperoni, chopped green onion, sliced black olives, and diced yellow bell pepper... but I just didn't feel like channeling my inner Ina tonight!

Here's what my finished product looked like:

Now it's time for the mushroom and garlic saute! Much like the pasta salad, this little doozie is a cinch to make! I heated 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat, then added a package of sliced baby bella mushrooms. I let them cook down for about 10 minutes in the butter, adding a bit of salt and pepper along the way. At the 10 minute mark, I added 1 tablespoon of minced garlic (yes, from a jar! So convenient- don't judge!) and let the mixture cook together for about 3 minutes. It's yummy, super simple, & vegetarian friendly, which are 3 things I'm really into right now! Here's what was left after dinner, since I forgot to take any photos before:

To round out this easily made dinner, we have something which requires no recipe, unless you are from Planet I-Have-No-Common-Sense. Since I do believe there is such a place, based on some crazies I have come in contact with in my 26 years, I shall give you instructions.

1. Buy some salad greens, whichever your little heart desires. Be it iceburg, romaine, arugula, or spinach, it's whatever you fancy. This butter lettuce looked especially appetizing when I was grocery shopping, so it's what we used!

2. Buy a bottle of your favorite salad dressing! I've always been partial to fruity vinaigrettes, and this one caught my eye. I love raspberry vinaigrette, and, having tried quite a few, was pretty pleased with this one!

3. Place some lettuce on your plate, then drizzle with the dressing. BAM, bitches

All jokes aside, this was a ridiculously quick & easy dinner to whip up, and it tasted all kinds of good!

Major thanks to my pals William & Thomas for providing me with not only a bed to sleep on for the next week, but a kitchen to cook in! They're the best & I love having them as roomies during my moving transition. 

So, tell me, what did you have for dinner tonight? What are some of your super easy dinner fixes?